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               Serenity United Methodist


               The Red Brick Church Today


Historic Kenwood & The Red Brick Church

Then & Now


Kenwood - In the early part of the twentieth century, St. Petersburg saw an enormous amount of real estate growth. Individuals were arriving from the North, many with dreams of getting involved in what they hoped would become the real estate boom of the 1920s.  Most of the quickest to develop were not disappointed. 

Charles R Hall (1869—1934), a former milliner and window shade salesman, Hall came to St. Petersburg from Philadelphia around 1910. He began his local real estate ventures in 1912 with the planning and platting of two neighborhoods in the west-central part of the city. These neighborhoods were originally named Hall’s Central Avenue #1 and Hall’s Central Avenue #2. Over time the areas were re-surveyed and changed into the Kenwood subdivisions and eventually into "Historic Kenwood" as we know it today. 


Red Brick Church - In 1952 the aptly nicknamed building was constructed cornering 28th St. N. and 5th Ave N.  It started  it's history as First EUB, then Albright United Methodist church and operated as such for many years. Throughout the years it has had some struggles, but the one thing that has managed to stay consistent within her confines, is the commitment to being a place of worship for people of all walks of life, regardless of their personal struggles. In 2010 the church was transformed once again into Serenity United Methodist Church,  one of the only congregations to focus wholly on addiction.  After only 5 years, her doors were closed once again. 


A new generation. With 2020 close on our heels, The Red Brick Church is being re-branded, once again, This time the doors are being opened with a little different vision in mind. Once a Church, always a church? Well sort of. Currently we are proud to announce that pastor Daryn Kinney has brought the congregation of Local Church to worship here on Sunday mornings. Pastor Kinney's mission is reminiscent of Pastor's past. All are welcome here. In addition to being a place of worship, currently the Red Brick Church is offering it's Sanctuary and Courtyard as all around event spaces, open to the public, for virtually any type of event. In the near future as renovations are made, the 1st floor reception hall and 2nd floor dedicated classroom/office spaces will also be available for events, corporate training, co-work space or dedicated office space.  Even with the expansion of what is offered here, the mission still remains. The Red Brick Church will continue to be a place where all are welcome. A safe haven to hold events that will create wonderful, lasting memories for your friends, your family, your staff or whomever else crosses it's thresholds. 

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